Missing Persons

We have not been able to locate the following persons from our class. We have neither a mailing address or email address for them. If you know how to contact then, let them know about our class website (www.dhs1965.com) and send their email address and contact information to Larry D. Ellis. We would like to reach everyone in our class about the upcoming reunions. Please forward this page on to others in our class that might know where these friends are so that we can spread the word.

Ronald Bolton

Vickie Chambers

Barbara Elaine Clark

Cheryl Elliott

Jeanette Gilley

James Hale

Darlene Hardin Bynum

Glen D Harris

Jane Hill

Marcia Hill

Carol Jenkins

Chester Johnson

Jane Johnson

Ramona Johnson

Paula Jones Rodriguez

Dariel (Dee) King

Minnie Lee Watson

Wendyl Leslie

La Don Lewis

Shirley Lowery McCauley

Alvin Maddox

Roberta Marsh

Erwin Martin

Vicki Maye

Julie McConnell

Julie McConnell

Linda McLain

Judy Megason

Sandra Mitchell

Carolyn Montgomery

Jessica Moore Giracchi

Joe Ann Mullendore

Dannie Lou Pierce

Linda Ridley Knox

Mary Robinette

John Robinson

Joann Sawyer Ray

Charlene Schultz

Kim Scott

Kathy Smith

Mary Smith

Carolyn Tribble

Cynthia Turner

Marlene Kay Turner

Carla Vaughn

Janis Walker

Terry Williams

Kenneth Wilson

Judy Wright

Sherrie Wright